The past few years my family and other loved ones have traveled to Cherokee, North Carolina for some post Thanksgiving relaxation. Each and every person there...relaxes. Accept, I'm told, for me. I tend to want to use the getaway to get away on my bike. Everyone heads up on Friday but I have to work (Car Business) so I drive up that evening in the dark.
Usually I come prepared to ride the great trails at Tsali. I've written about it in a past blog post HERE.
This year I wanted to try something new. At first I planned to take the Ritchey Breakaway bike and ride a 30 mile loop I worked out on the Blue Ridge Parkway. But I've recently converted it to a cross bike. So I searched for some new trails that connect to fire roads or something. That's when I stumbled onto the "Road to Nowhere". It's an unfinished road that leads out of Bryson City. At the end of the pavement there's a long tunnel and multiple trails.
A plan was born. This was my plan: Ride out of Bryson City (near a coffee shop) and climb to the tunnel. Then run the trails because it says you're not supposed to ride them. And I would never advocate riding a trail when the Forest Service doesn't allow it. No sir, not me. Not even if I'm the only one up there and I have a perfectly capable cyclo-cross bike to ride.
I arrived in Bryson City at 7:30AM. It was 26 degrees. My eyes watered just thinking about it. I ended up parking in front of Bryson City Bicycles. I didn't know it was there but figured there can't be a better place to start a ride than a bike shop. The folks in the restaurant beside it were gracious enough to let me use the restroom. The smell of bacon and coffee and pancakes was almost too much to bear. But I stayed focused and went back out to the freezing car.
As I rode out of town the lady that owns Mountain Perks stepped out to stare at me. After all, I was wintered up in cold weather armor and riding down the road to nowhere. It seemed as though she and I were the only ones in the whole town. As I slowly rode by I put my hand up and said the first thing that came to mind... "I'll be right back!"

Two little old men in a Chevy S10 came puttering up the mountain as I took the photo. We both wondered where the other was going. I never saw them again...
The ride up got better every minute. It was just me and the sun until I realized I had another partner... my shadow. I rode along looking out over the valley and then noticed how much rock had been blasted to create the road. I watched my shadow for 10 minutes before it occurred to me to take a picture. It's a real artsy thing to do, which isn't me. When I reviewed my photos with Lisa back at the cabin we agreed it didn't meet the definition of "artsy fartsy" so I could use it in a cycling blog.

The tunnel was... spooky. I stopped short of it because I wanted to make a video of my very first time through it... not a pre-scouted reality TV type of video. When you watch it there's some things you should know. First, it really was pitch black. The only way I kept my bearings was to keep looking at the light at the end. Second, I was actually worried. Really. But not until the lights went out. Then all the worst horror movie thoughts ran through my head. Were there holes in the tunnel? Were there bears in the tunnel? Were there banjo pickers in the tunnel? It's probably why I kept talking. So everything in the tunnel would know I was videoing. Here... watch for yourself.

When the road ended abruptly there was only one choice. The trails. So I headed on in to see what else the mountain had in store for me. After only a mile or so I wanted some food. I parked the Ritchey and sat down for a Cliff Bar. Peanut Butter Cliff Bar. Oh yeah.
It was nice and quiet. I listened for signs of life but it was just me and my bike hanging out in the Smokey Mountains. The weather was still in the 20's so I didn't shed any clothes but the sunlight made me feel good about my solitary situation.
After my meal I headed around what is known as the Gold Mine Loop Trail. I kept a sharp eye out for hikers and made my way around and back to the tunnel. The trail was smooth and fast but covered with leaves so I took my time.
That was fun. I'll bet it's not nearly as much fun if the trails are full of people but on a cold winter day this ride was perfect.
I made my way back down the mountain which by the way is just as hard as getting up there. You all know that in cycling... what goes down, must go back up. All the decents that froze my toes were now climbs that kept me warm. But just like a mountain bike trail is totally different when you ride it backward... the ride back to Bryson City was a new reward. It's times like that I love my hobby so much by comparison.
When I rolled back into town the bike shop was open. They had placed bikes outside and the place looked busy. I put my stuff up and fixed a recovery bottle and moseyed over to see what they had in there.
At first glance is looks pretty typical for a local bike shop. I expected a "beach" bike shop full of rentals and "laymen" bike wears. But what I got was specifically sought out items by the owners who are real bike enthusiasts.

I did manage to get a cup of coffee before I headed back to the cabin for a shower and some warm breakfast. The town was starting to wake up.
I think next time I'll head over to Deep Creek and try some roads over there. But the views better be really good to beat what happened on The Road to Nowhere.
Thanks for reading! Remember to wave, be friendly, and single up when you can!
Chad Hayes